Privacy Policy

Learn about our policies and practices to ensure the privacy and security of your personal information


The site implicitly does not collect any user-specific data in any way. The current scope of the site does not allow users to create an account. The site’s database however stores information about the total visitor count (just the numeric counter) for certain pages like blogs and snippets.

For newsletter management, I use an in-house solution. When you subscribe to the newsletter, your email address is stored on a MongoDB database managed by MongoDB Atlas ↗️ (Which only I have access to). The email address is used to send you the newsletter and is not shared with any third-party service. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter email.

I use a self-hosted web analytics tool called Umami ↗️. The data for analytics is stored on a PostgreSQL database which is self hosted in my homelab. The data stored via Umami does not contain any PII of users and is only used to better understand the usage of the site and the content so that necessary improvements can be made.

The site integrates EthicalAds ↗️ which are displayed on certain pages. I know, I hate ads too but these are actually the one which target ads based on the site content and not the user, hence they don’t track you via Cookies and are GDPR-compliant.

In any case EthicalAds is not able to serve any paid ads, the site will try to fallback to Carbon ads ↗️.


The content on this site is provided for free and is intended to be used for informational purposes only. The views expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer or any other organization I am affiliated with.

This policy also applies to all the applications that I have developed and are hosted Google PlayStore ↗️.

How you can support me best

I appreciate that you’re even reading this section, so that’s a nice support in itself 😊. If you want to support me, you can share the articles that I publish with people who might find them interesting and helpful and can probably tag me if you wish to. You can also disable ad-blocker for this site and rest assured that the ads that are being added do not track you.

If you are a company or an individual that is looking to sponsor a blog post or a newsletter, you can reach out at me [at] and read more about sponsorship on the sponsorship page.


I hope this page gives you an idea of what my incentives are and if you’re one of the terrific people who benefit from the free stuff I hope you use that to make your corner of the world a better place. If you’re one of the people helping me keep this sustainable by giving me money in one way or another then I thank you all the more.

Please keep in mind that even when financial incentives are at play, I try my best to be a self-aware, authentic, and genuine person. Please assume the enthusiasm you see from me about a particular topic is genuine even if there is a bit of a financial incentive.

Take care!